Dripping Wet Dog Refuses To Move From Her Spot Until Her Rescue


Valinda Cortez, a locally known animal lover and advocate, was on her way to her neighborhood’s convenience store located in Canton, North Carolina one early Sunday morning. Cortez devotes a large part of her time helping homeless animals, and she had came across dogs of all personalities. But not this one. Cortez, in her pyjamas, pulled into the store’s parking lot when she spotted something. It was a dog, who was all alone and drenched from the rain! The Wet Dog did not even move an inch.

Wet Dog

“When I got out of the car, my heart sank,” Cortez recalls. “This poor baby had been out in the rain and cold for a long time. She was freezing. It was apparent to me that this baby had been dumped.”

Her post on Facebook was as follows:

“This morning I came across this pitiful, wet, cold, hungry baby. After a while of feeding her beef jerky and dog food, we finally got a leash on her. I’m not sure where she came from, but I hope she never has to go back. She had an obvious eye infection. Her hair was matted. She had an open wound on her leg. I was out there in the rain for an hour and was freezing. She had been out there a lot longer than that so I can’t imagine how she was feeling. I had blankets and dog food in my car that were supposed to go to the shelter.They were definitely put to good use this morning.”

She called her friend Sue, who also volunteers her time helping homeless animals. Sue drove down to help Cortez out. The dog was renamed Cassie at a nearby animal shelter – she was properly dried, cleaned and fed by staff.

Wet Dog

The reason for Cassie’s rescue? It was a simple thing – her love for animals. Cortez also spoke out against animal neglect and abandoning them: “She could have froze to death, been hit by a car or numerous other things. It’s not that hard to find a shelter that will take your animal.” Meanwhile, Cassie is currently being matched with interested adopters who would provide her a loving forever home.

Share this Wet Dog Cassie’s story with your online friends.

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