Dog Walker Stumbles Upon Gentle Giant Tied To A Tree With A Note Attached


It’s sad how some people decide to get rid of the pets they once took care of. Abandoning an animal you welcomed in your home is the same as abandoning a family member. Leaving the poor souls on the streets speaks a lot about us as humans.

While walking the client’s dogs through Prospect park on Monday, Eric Maus stumbled upon a sight that broke his heart. There was an awesomely beautiful and big pit bull tied to a tree. But what caught Eric’s attention was the note that was attached along with the dog.

Dog Walker
Eric Maus

The note said: “Take me home. I’m a great dog. I’m 7 years old. Don’t let my size scare you. I’m sweet.”

Eric decided to get closer and that’s when he realized that the dog was indeed very sweet and gentle as it didn’t move and inch and let him near.

Eric didn’t hesitate to help the dog named Mamas. He simply couldn’t leave it there alone, for the park wasn’t a safe place for a dog to stay all by herself. Now the problem was that he couldn’t just take ti with him because he already had two dogs.

He decided to spread the word on social media and to his surprise, many people contacted him and were willing to help. One man offered a transportation to the nearest shelter Sean Casey Animal Rescue. The staff was contacted beforehand and they were waiting for Mamas to arrive. The kennel for her was ready.

Getting the dog to the shelter took some time because of his size and a possible bladder infection that slowed her pace. However, the dog simply couldn’t wait to enter the shelter, as though she was aware it was a place where they will take good care of her.

After Mamas is perfectly healthy, she will be given for adoption and hopefully, she will be provided with a loving forever home.

Eric Maus

Currently, Mamas is taken great care of and she spends time playing in the park with the staff who love her a bunch. Eric is happy to know he was in the right place at the right time and was able to help this beauty.

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