Man Creates Sneaky Way To Get Cat To Stop Waking Him Up


Although it is believed cats are lazy and want to be treated like Gods, they are also one of the smartest animals. They can often be sneaky and tricky. Everyone who owns a cat knows that they are the cutest when they want to snuggle, but they can also leave you lost for words when showing their mischievous intelligence!

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One cat owner couldn’t put up with his cat’s  behavior any longer so he came up with a plan on how to stop kitty Mulder from opening the door like a human every morning and waking him up.


So, with a bucket of water and a camera, he set up a brilliant plan. Dad placed a tub of water directly under the door and waited for his precious Mulder to jump on the doorknob, swinging it wide open.

He hoped this type of deterrent would keep Mulder from pouncing on him first thing in the morning. According to the science behind Animal Planet’s discussion on feline intelligence, his plan may be spot on!


The site explains that memories and knowledge are stored in a cat’s brain forever. In fact, once attained, even if by accident or trial and error, most of a cat’s knowledge is retained for life, thanks to this animal’s “excellent memory.”

“Even hunting techniques buried under years of neglect in the well-fed house cat’s brain will be recalled with ease should the feline, for some reason, ever have to fend for itself. Easily frightened, a cat will retain very strong memories of any incident that it considers threatening.”


That means the moment Mulder found himself swinging above a big bucket of freezing cold water, he should’ve learned that’s something he’ll never want to do again! Unfortunately, that’s not how things panned out!

Watch this hilarious “learning” experience unfold for yourself. Remember, no kitties were hurt in the filming of this video.


Mulder most definitely is a clever cat!

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