5 Essential Features to Look for in a Chicken Coop Builder


Your chicken coop must provide safe housing and protection from predators while allowing them to scratch, take dust baths, and enjoy the sunshine. You also want it to be conveniently located near a water source and feed trough.
A good chicken coop will have roosts for the chickens to sleep on. It should also include a nesting box for each laying hen.


The coop frame should be well constructed from durable materials. This will protect the coop from leaks and drafts and deter predators that may sneak in at night.
Chickens need enough room to lay their eggs and move around during the day. Ensure your coop has at least 2-3 square feet of floor space per bird.
A good chicken coop builder will ensure it is fenced with a solid door that can be closed and latched at night. It should also be built a minimum of 6 inches off the ground to prevent rodents from chewing through it or digging under it. A roof ridge vent and open windows will provide adequate ventilation to avoid the build-up of toxic ammonia.
Many coops have options for added runs that can be easily accessed through the chicken door. These should be made of sturdy hardware mesh to prevent predators from chewing through them.



Chickens are an eco-friendly addition to a backyard and provide the family with fresh eggs, organic compost, and free fertilizer. Chicken keeping also provides children a fun, hands-on way to learn about the natural world and its cycles.
Chicken coops should be built using wood that doesn’t leach harmful chemicals into the soil (like pressure-treated lumber). If built with plastic, it should be made of recycled materials or low-impact alternatives like sand or deep litter.
Proper ventilation is essential; chickens produce a lot of moisture and ammonia that can build up in a coop without adequate ventilation, leading to respiratory disease and frostbite in the winter. The coop should also be built with predator protection in mind and a secure chicken door that can be closed with hardware mesh to keep out predators such as raccoons and foxes.


Chickens don’t care if their corner is imperfect or their perch is made from recycled wood – they want to be safe and have a place to lay their eggs. Keeping a coop secure against predators is important, so look for tamperproof locks, skirts, or dig guards to prevent snakes or rodents from burrowing under the coop floor and a door that shuts securely.
Hanging feed and water also helps deter rodents, as it is harder to reach than if it are stored in containers on the ground that can be knocked over or spilled.
Ventilation is another essential feature, as constant high humidity can lead to respiratory infections and even frostbite in winter. Be sure to install tamperproof vents that can be closed in winter to prevent cold drafts and snow.


It’s important to get into your chicken coop easily for cleaning, feeding and egg gathering. Ensure the coop is positioned where you can reach everything and has a door that closes securely.
Your hens will need plenty of room to roam, perch, and space for a feeder and waterer. You should also have a window and vents to keep the coop cool.
Ventilation is also essential for preventing the coop’s bacterial growth and excessive moisture. Ensure that all vents have a predator-proof cover and that any cracks or small openings are covered with hardware cloth to prevent foxes, coyotes, rats and raccoons from getting in. This will also deter wild birds such as hawks and eagles.

Chicken coops require regular maintenance, like cleaning, egg gathering, and refilling feed. The coop you choose must be designed to be easy to access and keep clean.
In addition to good ventilation, a good coop should include perches and nesting boxes for the birds to roost and lay their eggs in. Nesting boxes can be made from hand-built boxes or repurposed milk crates. Ventilation should be a priority, as it will help prevent respiratory infections.
Finally, the coop must be built on high ground to avoid flooding or mud problems. It should be located away from large plants and other foliage that could provide hiding places for predators. Also, a coop constructed of plywood rather than rot-prone wood or chicken wire can be more cost-effective.