Girl Sees Her Dog Staring At Dryer And She Bursts Out Laughing When She Looks Inside


If you have a dog in your family, you already realize that they are extremely loyal. In fact, most people who have a Dog Staring would say that they are much more loyal than any human members of the family. It is something that is built into them and we appreciate it when we have them around. Every once in a while, that loyalty can also put a smile on our face.

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Dog Staring

Habs is a cocker spaniel who also has a streak of loyalty that is a mile long. He is rarely ever seen more than a few feet from his human companion, Jacqueline Estey but she isn’t the only favorite that he has. He is also fully devoted to a gigantic stuffed bear that also became a part of the family about three years ago.


“Habs has always been inseparable from the bear. He likes to bring the bear all around the house,” Jacqueline explained. “If you pick it up, he’ll follow you around until you put it back down for him.”

Since the bear had been around for a while, Jaclyn started to notice that he was looking rather dirty. She waited until the dog wasn’t looking and she put the bear into the washing machine. Jacqueline didn’t give it much thought but after a while, she noticed that Habs wasn’t following her around so she started searching.

When she found him, she saw something tremendous.

Habs was sitting in front of the frontloading dryer, watching the bear spinning in circles.

“I have never seen him do that for anything in the wash, other than his bear,” Jacqueline said. “It was hilarious when I realized he was sitting there for the whole entire cycle and wasn’t moving for anything!”

Dog Staring

What is even funnier is that Jacqueline woke up that night and found out her dog wasn’t in bed. She found him in the laundry room, stressing about the bear.

“I heard Habs scratching at the dryer door,” she said. “When I went in there, he was looking for his bear in the washer and dryer! I walked him downstairs and showed him where his bear was, where he continued to lay down next to his bear.”

Dog Staring

When the college student shared the video of her dog worrying about the bear on Twitter, it went viral. It wasn’t long before other Dog Staring lovers started showing their pooch waiting for a stuffed animal to come out of the washing machine.

Dog Staring

People were sharing pictures of their dogs with their favorite toys and each one put a bigger smile on our face. It seems as if dogs are the best people after all.

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