Puppy Pretends To Be Dead Because It is Vet Time


Puppy pretends to be dead because it is vet time. No other pet in the animal world is so clever as dog who always like to act like actor and actress.

 Puppy Pretends

In this video you will see the owner calls the puppy to wake up quickly. But the puppy pretends to be dead. Probably the puppy know well that his owner will take him to the vet and he does not like vet.

Puppy Pretends To Be Dead

After a few trying owner begins to think that it is dead but in the mean time she thinks that her puppy pretended to be dead. It is playing game with her as it does not like to vet. This dog deserves an Oscar award for being a good and serious actor …I wonder how did she know it’s time so see a vet.?

Watch the following puppy pretends to be dead video:

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