Woman Has Her Dad Babysit Her Dog, ‘Gramps’ Keeps Her Updated With The Best Texts


On her recent trip to New York City, Meghan Specksgoor had to leave her dog behind. She adopted dog chance from Richmond Animal League. At only four-years-old, the dog underwent surgery after being shot. Being best friends ever since, Meghan was scared to leave Chance behind. Luckily, she had a great babysitter.

With no grandkids, her father was surprised by Meghan with a grand-dog.

adopted sweet dog

“My dad is babysitting Chance this weekend, someone please get this man a grandchild”

adopted dog

While she was gone, Gramps kept Meghan updated with lots of pics and texts. Chance looks like he’s having a great time!

They went on plenty of adventures together.

adopted dog

What a great bonding experience for Grandpa and Chance!

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