Dog Stayed By A 3 Year Old Girl’s Side And Led Her Family To her


This dog stayed by her side to ensure her safety…

An Australian family is indebted to their blue heeler named Max for keeping their 3 year-old daughter safe after she went missing in Queensland’s Southern Downs. She had been missing overnight and for more than 15 hours. The girl, named Aurora, first went missing in the wild Australian bush land around 3 p.m. on Friday. She had wandered off on her own and was nowhere to be found when her family searched for her. A search was conducted in the woodlands and hills on the rural property under the wet weather, but to no avail. The search consisted of more than 100 State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers, police and civilians.

They tried again the next morning, that’s when Aurora’s grandmother heard her faint crying. Aurora’s grandmother, Leisa Bennett, immediately ran up a hill when she heard her granddaughter’s voice. That’s when she met Max, who ran to her when she was in sight and led Leisa to her granddaughter’s location.

Aurora was eventually found about 2 kilometers from the family’s house. According to the SES, Aurora actually traveled a long distance even under the bad weather, and only had a few cuts or bruises when she was found.

According to SES area controller, Ian Phipps, said that the search was tough as the location was surrounded with a lot of vegetation and steep hills. Something bad could have happened to Aurora if Max didn’t stay by her side. Needless to say, Aurora’s family was extremely thankful to Max for staying by her side and keeping her safe. Max was even named an honorary police dog for keeping Aurora safe!

Dog Stayed

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