Police Rescues Dog From Abandoned Building, And Makes A Decision


Back in 30 September on a Friday, police officers from the 113th Precinct, which included one dog’s savior – an officer named Joshua Sailor. Together, they had managed to rescue an emaciated 8-month-old Pit Bull – who was left in an abandoned building, located near Farmers Boulevard, Jamaica.

The poor Pit Bull was found all chained up, behind a door and without any access to any food or clean water – plus, there was little to no room to move around at all.
“She had this huge chain around her neck that was holding her to the door. Physically you could see everything from her spine to her hip bones, her ribs,” Sailor recalled.

Just after the officers freed the pit bull, she ran past the treats they offered, and straight to Officer Sailor! “When we rescued Mila, she just gave me that look, like thank you. Thank you for getting me out of here. It was the saddest thing. It broke my heart,” Sailor continued. That was when the man knew that he had to adopt the dog no matter what it took. With the help of ASPCA, the Pit Bull, now renamed Mila, found a forever loving home with Sailor himself.

Today, Mila the Pit Bull is now Officer Sailor’s loyal K9 partner and companion. But Mila was not the only one who needed Sailor – he expressed that he needed her, too.

Sailor stressed that he has never regretted adopting Mila. He said: “I was like all right, this is my dog. She 100 percent needed me, but I 100 percent needed her, too.”

Police Rescues Dog

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