Smart Dachshund Does Whatever It Takes To Win The Dog Race


I guess everyone enjoys winning at different sorts of competitions, because being a winner feels good and shows that you are the best at certain field. Well, this is also true for the animals. So not only humans, but animals, especially dogs, can be competitive as well. When the four pooches were about to take part in a Dog Race , no one could imagine they are having a competitor among them who was determined to win no matter what it took, even cheat a little bit.

So as it appeared, Killer, Twinky and Oliver didn’t stand a chance against Jesse the Dachshund who made everyone in the crowd burst out laughing.

The footage is quite old, but you know how they say, good things never get old or out of style.

Take a look at the video that will certainly make your day, and don’t forget to share it with your friends.

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