Dog Wishes Rabbit ‘Good Night’ Everyday — Before Going Off To Bed


As humans, we all have our routines and rituals that we partake in our daily lives, either in the morning before we depart for work, or at night before bedtime. Having a routine helps us organize our tasks and develop a comfortable pattern within schedules. Most often, our pets would even have certain routines and rituals of their own as they adapt to our lifestyles.

Dog Wishes Rabbit

Be it a certain to wake you and themselves up, to ask for meals or for play, our pets have amazingly accurate body clocks, just like this dog shown here. One German Shepherd named Skottke Vom Zeder Haus, has a very peculiar bedtime routine – he says ‘good night’ everyday to his bunny friend, Holly! After being asked to ‘get up’, Skottke gets so excited that she starts running and jumping and spinning in circles – it was as if he could not wait to wish Holly ‘good night’!

Dog Wishes Rabbit

“We have rituals every night,” Skottke and Holly’s owner explains. “We gotta do the same thing before we go to bed. I’m gonna ask her a question and she’s gonna show you what we have to do. OK, where am I? What do we gotta do in here? We gotta tell your baby goodnight. There’s your baby, it’s Holly. We gotta tell her goodnight ok? I’m going to tell her goodnight. Ready? Night, night Holly.”

According to the two pets’ owner, Skottke would only hop onto her bed and lie down beside only after he bids the rabbit good night – how adorable and unusual!

Dog Wishes Rabbit

Dog Wishes Rabbit

Watch the whole scene unfold in the video below!

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