Dog Was Heavily Pregnant And Gave Birth To 18 Puppies — Much To Mom’s Surprise


She didn’t know how many puppies were there..

Every dog deserves a second chance at life, even potential mothers-to-be. Unfortunately, such dogs are mostly deemed as “unadoptable” and would prefer to adopt a “normal” puppy instead. These dogs are therefore in danger of being put down by shelters, who claim that their shelters are full up. A woman named Ashlee Holland has always been passionate about animals and animal rescue. She came across Ava, a heavily pregnant golden chow mix who was placed on the shelter’s euthanasia list for space. Without help, Ava would be put down.

Holland immediately knew that she was Ava’s last hope for her survival and decided to adopt her herself. Holland felt a connection to Ava, as she was also a mother herself. She also stated that no dog deserves to be put down for space. Knowing that she was obviously pregnant, Holland brought Ava to the vet for an examination and an x-ray. Although the x-ray results did not show exactly how many puppies Ava was carrying, Holland was still excited for the birth. Less than two weeks after Holland brought Ava home, Ava went into labor during the night.

At 10:02, Ava gave birth to her first puppy, with four more in a span of 57 minutes and another two in the next hour and a half. Holland thought that Ava was done, so she proceeded to clean her up and went to bed. Holland woke up the next morning and went to check on Ava but what she saw gave her a huge surprise!

Ava had actually gave birth to a total of 18 puppies that night! Needless to say, Holland had not only save Ava’s life, but 18 other little lives as well!

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