Dog Has Second Mouth Where Ear Should Be – rescue shelter in Oklahoma


Some stories are so strange that they just can’t be made up – and this is one of them. A rescue shelter in Oklahoma recently took in an abandoned dog that had very unique features. The dog had a second mouth growing where the ear should have been. It even had teeth and salivated.

The 5-year-old dog, now named Toad, showed up at the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare shelter – presumably abandoned because of her unique look.

She was then transferred to Mutt Misfits, which is a charity and rescue center that specifically takes care of dogs with severe medical issues and conditions. This is when they discovered that Toad was definitely not an ordinary dog. In fact, she was unlike any dog the shelter staff had ever seen. Inside her right ‘ear’ – there was actually a mouth!


Source: Facebook

Heather Hernandez is the charity’s co-founder and now Toad’s owner. She recently spoke about the first time she saw Toad when she came into the shelter.

Video of Toad below.

“Immediately we recognized that she was very different to most dogs,” she said.

“She was initially showing lots of aggression but once she and I got together, that all disappeared.

“Upon her initial intake exam at the shelter, our veterinarian originally thought she had extra ears.

“But once we sedated her for her spay surgery, that’s when we discovered that she actually only has one ear and two mouths!”


Source: Facebook

The second mouth is most likely from a parasitic twin. It appeared to have a few teeth, some that had cracked, and lips that actually salivated.

“We originally thought it had two teeth but we did a dental cleaning on the ear a few weeks ago and discovered it has several


Source: Facebook

“A few of the ear teeth had cracked, which caused some discomfort, but once we removed the broken teeth she was good as new,” Hernandez continued.

The two, main visible teeth are attached to the sweet dog’s skull, so they decided to leave those in place. They don’t seem to cause her any discomfort whatsoever.

As you’re probably wondering, the second mouth isn’t able to function as a normal mouth and is also missing a jaw, so it does not open or close.

“It has what looks like lips in which the opening of the lips are the part that actively salivates,’ Hernandez explains.

“The ear mouth does not have a jaw though so it doesn’t actually open and close. The skin and ear lips are what move primarily.”

Toad’s understanding owner says that despite having this strange anomaly of a face, she’s really just a normal, sweet, and loving dog. Of course, there are a few things that are special about Toad compared to other dogs.

You can watch another video of Toad below.

Toad cannot smell or hear very well because everything in her is just a bit misaligned. Other than that? She’s a normal, happy-go-lucky girl!

Hernandez’s organization, Mutt Misfits, is dedicated to helping every dog like Toad that comes in with special needs and/or requires special care. She says that the charity was formed because they noticed a lack of facilities that would take care of pups like this.

“We like to help people to understand that animals don’t have to be perfect to make perfect pets,” she says.

Watch more on Toad in the video below.

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Source: LAD Bible


