Cat Dad Builds Treehouse So His Indoor Cats Can Play Outside


Cat owners will do anything to keep their pets happy and safe. For many cat owners, it’s difficult to decide if they should let their cat go outdoors. While going outside may make the cat happy, there’s also a chance they could get lost.

One cat owner found the perfect solution to this problem. He built his cats an incredible treehouse, bridge, and tower so they could play outside


Source: Imgur

Twenty-one-year-old Hadley shared photos of her dad’s epic construction project online. She explained that her family has three cats—sixteen-year-old Luna and four-year-olds Daisy and Marvel. All three cats love playing outside, but it wasn’t safe for them. Hadley explained why to Unilad:

“We live in the downtown portion of our city so our road is getting busier every year and there’s lots of creatures like foxes and coyotes that could harm them,” Hadley said. “Marvel escaped one night and got into a fight with a neighbourhood outdoor cat and was hurt, so there’s multiple reasons why it isn’t safe for them to be outdoor cats.”


Source: Imgur

The cats spent their days staring out the window, and it was clear they badly wanted to be outside. Then, Hadley’s dad Alex realized that he could build the cats an enclosure under their outdoor deck.

Alex has experience with carpentry, and he knew he could make a great enclosure for his cats. He blocked off the openings with chicken wire, and he put in some ramps for the cats to climb and platforms for the cats to sleep on. Then, he let the cats try out the enclosure. They all enjoyed playing in their new ‘catio.’


Source: Imgur

Alex decided that he didn’t want to stop with just the enclosure under the patio. He decided he also wanted to build the cats a play area in the trees! He built a tower for the cats to climb up, and he also made a bridge for them to walk on. He finished his creation with a beautiful treehouse for the cats to play in. The cats loved it!

“Both of them are in it at least once a day. We love it too! We think it’s perfect… The catio ensures that they are safe! It’s also quite amusing to watch them in it,” Hadley said.


Source: Imgur

Hadley shared a few photos of the treehouse on Reddit, and they quickly went viral. Many people asked if Alex could build their cats their own catios.


Source: Imgur

Hadley says that her dad isn’t finished with the catio project—he’s always thinking of new things to add. He’s planning to add an entrance from the second-story bedroom window, and Hadley is excited to see how it turns out.


Source: Imgur

Alex is an amazing cat dad who has built a truly incredible enclosure for his cats to play in. If you want to see more photos of the catio, check them out here.

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h/t: Paws Planet


