Dogs Left In Cages Without Water, Bullied at Florida Kennel


boarding kennel

If you have the trust to leave your animal in a boarding kennel when you go on vacation, you will directly change your mind after watching this video.


A training and boarding kennel in Florida, Inghram’s Sit ‘N Stay Dog Academy, claims on its website that there who take care of the dogs are expert, professional trainers, who use caring and humane methods. But, it was not right after a PETA observer released what happened inside the kennel out of the public eye.

Dogs at Sit ‘N Stay were confined to broken cramped cages with out water for more than 18 hours, and they according to a supervisor. The dogs started barking to show their upset, but they were forced to be silent after by jabbing a caged dog with a broom handle or throwing metal bowls against the cages.

PETA’s observer said that he saw some poor dogs crated for about 2 hours outside in the blazing sun without water or shade, and when offered water they drank continuously for up to 2 minutes.

When the workers let the dogs free, they forced them to get into fights. And they repeatedly yanked on their collars and toughly tried to tie their mouths shut using leashes instead of comforting them. The observer also added that the staffers failed to give prescription medication to dogs, and they also provided with hookworms a prescription antibiotic, which doesn’t treat hookworms, without owner’s and vet’s authorization or knowledge.

Peta’s observer said that there are many disturbing tips from a former customer. Actually, the owner of Sit ‘N Stay Dog Academy has been repeatedly accused of neglecting and abusing dogs.

What Can You Do?
You can prevent your parents from leaving their dogs at the kennel in general, as the dogs are not treated in a good way. There are actually many good kennels, but leaving your pets with your friends or relatives is surely better.

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Story Source: Online

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