Elderly Dog Was Never Adopted — Until One Boy Comes Along


14-year-old Elderly Dog miniature Poodle, Shey, was surrendered at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa when his former owners had decided to move away and leave him behind. Shey had a case of dental disease and was never been neutered. All of his teeth except for one were rotten. Plus, Shey was deaf and half-blind in addition to being nearly toothless. For 4 months, no one wanted to adopt Shey – until one fateful day.

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Elderly Dog

But none of that mattered to a young boy named Tristan, who arrived at the shelter with his mother looking for a small dog fit for cuddling and some quiet time. Adoption staff suggested for him to meet the miniature Poodle, as they had figured that it would be a match made in heaven.

Tristan could not stop smiling once he met Shey, and the two hit it off almost right away! As the adoption staff went over Shey’s special needs as a senior canine, it did not discourage the boy. Tristan proved to be more than willing to do everything possible for his new friend.

Elderly Dog

Tristan opened his calendar app on his mobile and quickly saved the dates for Shey’s future vet visits. He had been listening carefully to everything the staff had said, and even told them about his special mini room renovation to welcome Shey home.

Tristan posed a lot of questions to the staff, proving that he was extremely mature for a boy his age. Tristan proved to be an extremely eager and invested adopter, thus it was a no-brainer for the staff – Shey became part of the boy’s family!

Shey is now living in his new forever home with his new family – and he could not have ever been more happier. Previously abandoned and left for dread, Shey has found an even better human companion – Tristan himself!

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