Hikers Find Hungry Puppy Dumped in the Middle of Desert and Living in a Tire


During their expedition to California’s rocky peaks, two explorers, Cedar Wright and Alex Honnold, who are running the world’s best cycling and endurance athlete training called “Sufferfest” stumbled upon a tiny puppy. Honestly, such fragile animal was the least thing they expected to find at such place. The poor pup was obviously abandoned and was living in an old tire. 

Both Cedar and Alex knew the animal had no chance of surviving in the desert so they decided to take him with them. They named him Sufferpup and he became the mascot of their adventure.

Sufferpup’s presence made the trip more enjoyable and neither the rescuers, nor the pup will ever forget their first encounter.

Once the adventure came to an end, Cedar and Alex made sure to find Sufferpup a loving home. Luckily, a friend of theirs from Boulder, Colorado was interested in adopting the pup. Sufferpup now gets to enjoy his days surrounded by people who care and who spoil him rotten.

Thanks to the rescuers who didn’t leave him behind, Sufferpup is now all grown up and adorable.

Take a look at full story in the video below.

Story Source: Online

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